vendredi 16 mars 2012

EXPO ITALIE - Palatifini cartoons 2012

Classé 7ème sur les 10 finalistes du concours Palatifini Cartoons 2012 sur le thème "Food". Le catalogue complet de l'exposition peut être vu ICI

“Palatifini Cartoons” first edition saw the participation of 169 authors from 49 different Countries worldwide. From Belgium to China, from Ukraine to Germany to Israel, more than 300 cartons submitted from around the world. Among these, 100 were selected to make part of the exhibition and catalog, among them  were chosen by the jury 10 finalists.

The extraordinary of cartoonists from different Countries and cultures confirms the growing internationalization of Genoa World Pesto Championship, which since 2006 is helping to spread the brand of Genoa around the world."